The Trust Problem
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Cryptography gives the promise of privacy. A communication is secret for everybody except those who have the key to decrypt the message. So Alice and Bob, the two communication partners used in cryptography examples, have a shared secret, which they use to exchange messages. Eve, the eavesdropper, does not know this secret, and therefore can not read the messages, nor manipulate the communication without being noticed (she can always stop the communication by cutting the line, and she still may be able to know that it's Alice and Bob, who are communicating, by looking at the routing information of the packets she sees).

Key Exchange

Now, how do Alice and Bob establish a shared secret? This is a crucial problem to cryptography, the key exchange. The English Wikipedia article tells you how they could do that: If Alice and Bob wish to exchange encrypted messages, each must be equipped to encrypt messages to be sent and decrypt messages received. The nature of the equipping they require depends on the encryption technique they might use. If they use a code, both will require a copy of the same codebook. If they use a cipher, they will need appropriate keys. If the cipher is a symmetric key cipher, both will need a copy of the same key. If an asymmetric key cipher with the public/private key property, both will need the other's public key. For the cases, where both parties need the same thing, they need a secure channel to exchange this. Now, if they already have a secure channel, they might as well exchange the message using this secure channel—the only advantage cryptography has then, is that the secure channel might be costly, or rarely available (e.g. a personal meeting is required to set up the system).


Now, with public key cryptography, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange promises to solve this problem. The key is split into two parts, one of which can be made public, but only when both are used together, a shared secret can be established. There is only one drawback of the Diffie-Hellman exchange: The two parties who wish to establish a connection don't know their identity. Is it really Alice and Bob, or is it Eve, who cut the line in the middle, and attacks the connection by performing a Man-in-the-middle attack, pretending to Alice that she's Bob, and pretending to Bob that she's Alice? To solve this, various attempts at creating a PKI have been started. The most widely used PKI attempt is that of SSL, and it is a failure. I need to explain what SSL does to ensure that identities are correct:

SSL's PKI attempt

SSL uses Certificate Authorities (CAs) to sign public keys. The message of this signature is "someone gave us some money, told us they has this domain, and they gave us this public key." The "premium" signatures usually mean "they gave us more money". This is big business, so you can expect that the most trustworthy members drop out earliest—because someone paid them a lot of money (Mark Shuttleworth sold Thawte, the first CA, for $500M to VeriSign in 1999). However, the actual trustworthyness of the CAs itself is not the real problem. The real problem is that any CA can sign any combination of domain name and public key, as they like. And any intruder into one of the CAs, who get access to the signing script can do the same. This is what happened with DigiNotar. An intruder used DigiNotar's signing key to create a \* certificate. Iran used this certificate to spy on users who used Google. This came to light, because Google does not really trust the SSL scheme, and Chrome has a priori knowledge over the domain signatures, which are signed by Google's own CA. Iran needed to intrude some other CAs like DigiNotar, because they don't have their own CA, while e.g. China or the USA have one. Now you have that trust problem again: You don't know which of the 600 CAs are trustworthy and which are not. And it is sufficient if one of them is not, even when the vast majority would be ok. Oh shit!

The Broken Promise

It turns out that the promise of Diffie-Hellman does not hold. To verify the identity of your communication partner, you still need a secure channel—this time it's a channel Alice ⇔ CA ⇔ Bob, which allows Alice and Bob to verify their identities. If this channel was really secure, they could exchange their keys directly, without the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The advantage of the SSL approach is that the CAs aren't involved in the actual key exchange, only in signing the public keys. But this has to be a secure channel.

Looking for a Solution

Now, how to solve that problem? Society always had problems with people not being trustworthy, and the Chinese approach to this problem is called "关系" (pinyin: guānxì, Relationship). You don't talk to strangers, you only talk to people you already know. To create new relationships, you need to use "connections", i.e. people who know both you and the other side. That is similar to the CA relation above, but this time, the trust model is slightly different: You delegate trust to the people you know. For person-to-person meetings, direct key exchange shall be facilitated by using QR-codes and scanners (smartphone cameras) and search for key prefixes to avoid having to type in too many cryptic characters.

More important howerver is to directly use the public key whenever possible. Net2o uses the pubkeys as handles. For human readability, these names are converted to nick- and petnames (names you have assigned to other people) when displayed. In many cases, Zooko's Triangle then doesn't apply. It's decentralized, as you make connections through peers. The connection between keys and nick/petnames is local, in your "address book". Nick- and petnames are memorizable.

If you get a key, you are able to obtain a nickname corresponding to that key, self-signed. This is secure, and still human meaningful. Many people can have the same nickname, conflicts are resolved by numbering the nicknames; you can choose petnames to disambiguate.

Why Still Use a PKI?

What advantages does a public key system still offer?


In summary: Diffie-Hellman does not solve the key exchange problem. You still need a secure channel, now to validate identity, not to exchange keys. The problem however remains the same. The evaluation, whether a PKI is secure now is identical to evaluate whether you can use it to exchange symmetric keys. There are still advantages of public keys to not abandon them completely.